
Cenergise is a pan-European Energy Trading Company

Balancing Market

Cenergise actively trades in Balancing Markets across Europe, including Ireland, Great Britain, France, the Netherlands and Belgium. We also trade across a number of European interconnectors, such as EWIC, Moyle, IFA1, IFA2, and BritNed.

Spot Market

Cenergise currently trades in EPEX SPOT and Nordpool markets across Europe and SEMOpx in Ireland. Our in-house custom-built trading solution facilitates automated auction and continuous trading.

Forward Market

Cenergise provides bespoke shaped financial products for customers in the forward market across Europe. We also offer Route to Market services for smaller suppliers. 

Asset Optimisation

Cenergise develops tailored trading strategies for a wide range of assets to maximise revenue, including revenue stacking models for assets such as batteries. 

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